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High Five Team

econ - an extraordinary company

We make energy management amazingly easy. We don't just offer you an energy management solution, we offer you exactly the right one.

Servicetechniker unit+ V2 angeschlossen

Our team

We simply are doers - or in other words: We are specialists who will gladly and professionally put ourselves at the service of your energy management. We integrate your needs into our concepts and make your life as easy as possible. With solutions that are flexibly scalable, that work holistically and that fit your infrastructure via plug & play.

Our employees from Munich, Berlin, Mannheim, Freiburg, Mühlhausen and Meiningen respond quickly, directly and professionally to. We also support you with hardware and software designed to achieve the best results for you in the area of energy management and is scaled to your energy targets.

Our experts are happy to assist.

Contact us